Page 8 - Healthcare News 2023 Senior Planning Guide
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Savvy Seniors Freeze It
Nutrition-minded Older Adults Should Heed These Tips
our nutritional needs change throughout your lifetime. Some physical changes may impact ap- petite, senses, and fluctuations in your digestive
system. These changes may be due to aging, decreased physical activity, or in conjunction with prescriptive medication suppressing your appetite.
Having a decreased appetite may impact your intake of calories, essential vitamins, minerals,
and proteins needed to maintain muscle mass and prevent unintentional weight loss. When it comes to appetite, decreased senses of smell and taste can also affect the enjoyment of your food’s flavor and aroma. For digestion, your gastrointestinal tract could become less mobile and more rigid — leading to issues including constipation, stomach pain, and nausea.
To overcome any decrease in taste and smell, get creative. Cook with spices; herbs; aromatic vegetables like celery, onion, garlic, and shallots; and savory sauces to engage your taste buds. Select higher-quality food; cook seasonal fruits
and vegetables so they have a softer mouth feel
in recipes like soups, stews, and casseroles; drink plenty of water; and reduce stomach irritants, such as alcohol, to overcome physical changes as well.
As you age, your nutrition may be affected by
your social and financial situation versus physical. For example, your social circle may become smaller due to the loss of a spouse, family members, and friends. Living alone and cooking for one while eating on a fixed income can present challenges for some as well.
Not all is lost! Below are some tips when cooking for one on a budget.
Tip 1: Be a savvy shopper. Get the most out of your food budget and purchase meats and shelf- stable foods when they are on sale. And stock up on fruits and vegetables when they are in season.
Tip 2: Be an organized shopper. Plan meals in advance and create a shopping list from your menu.
Buy store brands for the same quality items at a lower cost.
Tip 3: Freeze your meals. When cooking for one, a great option is to cook and freeze meals. To do this, make multiple servings versus just one. Divide quantities into individually sized portions and freeze for future ready-made meals. Planning portions also prevents waste and can save you money.
Freezing Inspiration
With cooler weather around the corner, plan
for hearty soups, stocks, and quick casseroles. For example, take advantage of less-expensive seasonal fruits and vegetables and preserve their fresh- picked flavor by freezing them.
Why freeze? Freezing temperatures stop the growth of microorganisms while slowing the chemical reactions that break down food and reduce its quality. This makes freezing food perfect for enjoying the taste of summer for seasons to come!
Produce that freezes well includes tomatoes, corn, carrots, peppers, zucchini, and berries. High-water- content foods such as melons, cucumbers, lettuce, and eggplant should stay clear of the freezer. Avoid
  “Produce that freezes well includes tomatoes, corn, carrots, peppers, zucchini, and berries. High-water- content foods such as melons, cucumbers, lettuce, and eggplant should stay clear of the freezer.”
Continued on page 28
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AUGUST 7, 2023

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