Page 24 - Healthcare News Jan/Feb 2022
P. 24

Rodowicz to Succeed Phelps as Berkshire Health Systems CEO
PITTSFIELD — The Berkshire Health Systems board of trustees announced that a leadership transition will take place at BHS early in the new year. The 20-member board unanimously voted to appoint Darlene Rodowicz as the next president and CEO, following the announcement of current CEO David Phelps’s departure.
“When Dave shared his inten- tion to retire with the board several years ago, we asked that he par- ticipate in a thorough succession- planning process,” explained Bart Raser, chair of the BHS board of trustees, adding that the board did, indeed, engage in a multi-year suc- cession-planning process designed to ensure a smooth leadership transition and support the strategic advancement of BHS.
Raser praised Rodowicz, the first woman CEO in the organization’s history, as a strong leader with more than 30 years of experience in healthcare, a deep knowledge of
the Berkshire community, and a sterling reputation among government leaders and healthcare colleagues across the Commonwealth. He particularly highlighted her leadership in orchestrating BHS’s successful pandemic response over the past two years.
“Darlene has demonstrated excellence, effectiveness, and grace under fire throughout the past two years in the battle against COVID-19. Berkshire County will be lucky to have her at the helm to face any new challenges that the pandemic and the healthcare industry may send our way,” Raser said.
Rodowicz joined BHS in 1984 and served in various positions of increasing responsibility, including as chief fi- nancial officer from 2005 to 2020, when she was appointed executive vice president. Rodowicz holds an MBA from Western New England College and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from UMass Amherst.
Raser also highlighted key successes from Phelps’s distinguished career as CEO, including rehabilitating the financial resources of the once-troubled health system, implementing substantial technological and facility im- provements such as the Crane Center for Ambulatory Sur- gery and the BMC Cancer Center, building BHS’s affiliated long-term-care company, developing important clinical partnerships like Berkshire Medical Center’s membership in the Dana-Farber Cancer Care Collaborative, and culti- vating important relationships with local and state leaders that elevated the status and reputation of Berkshire Health Systems across the Commonwealth.
Phelps recently received the prestigious 2022 William L. Lane Hospital Advocate Award from the Massachusetts Health & Hospital Assoc. (MHA), which highlighted his long track record of strategic investments, his ability to adapt to the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, and his role as a relationship builder among clinicians, public of- ficials, local organizations, and other healthcare providers.
Health New England Welcomes McIntosh, Hossa
SPRINGFIELD — Health New England recently welcomed two new executives to its leadership team. Dr.
Kate McIntosh is HNE’s new chief medical officer, and Casey Hossa is the company’s chief information officer.
In her new role, McIntosh is re- sponsible for ensuring quality care and value for Health New England customers. She will focus on clinical excellence, innovation, and strategies to improve the health and well-being of those Health New England serves.
McIntosh, a pediatrician, ran
a private practice in Vermont before joining Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont in 2018. Before that, she was medical director of
the Vermont Health Information Exchange and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Health Network Porter Hospital.
“Dr. McIntosh’s deep understanding of the healthcare system and the insights she brings as a provider and prac- tice manager will help Health New England ensure that our members get the care they need while getting the most value from their coverage,” said Richard Swift, president and CEO of Health New England. “I look forward to working with her to continue to innovate on behalf of our members.”
As chief information officer, Hossa will be responsible for advancing the organization’s data and technology strategies to find efficiencies and improve the member experience.
Hossa comes to Health New England from a CIO role at Cardinal Innovations Healthcare in North Carolina. Before that, he served as senior vice president and chief informa- tion officer at MultiCare Health System in Tacoma and Spokane, a Washington state hospital system. He previ- ously served as the divisional vice president for HCSC (a five-state Blue Cross Blue Shield plan) in Chicago and as a technology director at United Airlines.
Perkins Joins Orchard Valley at Wilbraham as Executive Director
WILBRAHAM — Orchard Val- ley at Wilbraham, a Benchmark Senior Living assisted-living and mind and memory-care communi- ty, announced that Emily Perkins has joined the community as its executive director.
Perkins is responsible for overseeing all aspects of opera-
tions, calling on more than a decade of experience working with seniors and a master’s degree in health administration and gerontology. Her experience includes directing adult services for the town of Longmeadow and serving as vice president of Health and Wellness for the Glenmeadow retirement community.
Last year, Perkins and her team at Glenmeadow received an award from LeadingAge Massachusetts for their excep- tional contribution in the face of the unprecedented chal- lenge of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure that residents remained active and connected, they reinvented what it means to engage, play, learn, and have fun using creative and technology-driven programs.
“Orchard Valley has an outstanding team, and I’m look- ing forward to expanding upon the excellent programs they
already offer,” Perkins said. “Retirement is a wonderful time of life. Benchmark makes it possible to connect with others and explore passions in meaningful ways. I’m ex- cited for what this next chapter holds for our community.”
Banta Retires from Pathlight After Almost 20 Years
SPRINGFIELD — Pathlight’s executive director, Ruth Banta, announced her retirement after almost 20 years with the organization. Pathlight, established in 1952 and
headquartered in Springfield, is
a pioneer in services for children, teens, and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout the four counties of Western Mass.
Banta came to Pathlight in 2003 and served 14 years as its chief financial officer and vice presi-
dent of Administration. She was named executive director in 2016. In her tenure as executive director, she has led Pathlight through a period of growth, as well as steering it through the rocky waters of a global pandemic.
“I have been proud to be able to continue the growth and innovation that has been the hallmark of Pathlight since
its founding in 1952,” said Banta, who first encountered Pathlight as a parent when the organization supported her son with autism.
Some of the highlights of her tenure as director include revenue growth of 14% and 22% growth in net assets, leav- ing Pathlight in a strong financial position.
Under her leadership, Pathlight created the first program in this part of the state to serve an individual in a com- munity residence who needed full-time ventilator support. Pathlight also acquired 13.5 acres of previously state-owned land to replace two antiquated community homes with three modern, five-bedroom homes for people with intel- lectual disabilities.
The Milestones day program, located in Hadley, grew by 55%, while there was a 100% increase in adult services through Family Support and Autism Connections. Banta also supported the development of an innovative sexuality and relationship curriculum through Whole Selves.
Most recently, she oversaw the purchase of a new build- ing in Northampton to house programs in Hampshire County, including Whole Children, Milestones, and Family Empowerment. She also supported infrastructure devel- opments for remote services and work, electronic health records, and online training.
Watkins Named to Health and Hospital Assoc. Board
BURLINGTON — Cooley Dickinson Health Care President and CEO Dr. Lynnette Watkins was voted onto
the board of trustees of the Massa- chusetts Health & Hospital Assoc. (MHA), which serves as the leading voice for the Commonwealth’s hospitals and health systems.
As an MHA board member, Watkins will help advance the healthcare community’s mission to provide high-quality, affordable,
and equitable care for patients in Massachusetts.
“We are excited to welcome Dr. Watkins to our board
at a time when strong leadership is more critical than ever

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