Page 4 - Healthcare News Nov_Dec, 2020
P. 4

  Shot in the Arm
Here Come the COVID Vaccines — but Hurdles Remain
 BAy JOSEPH BEDNAR we should appreciate that,” the chief physi- cian executive and chief academic officer at
s COVID-19 vaccines begin to roll off produc- tion lines, many ques- tions remain — about how quickly they’ll reach the general public, about
long-term efficacy and safety, about how many Americans will actually want one. But on one issue, there is no doubt, Dr.
Andrew Artenstein said.
“This is a spectacular achievement just to
get where we’ve gotten so far, and I think
Baystate Health told HCN. “It’s been a whirl- wind, and I mean that in a good way.”
Everyone in healthcare understands the up- side — the dramatic promise — of a vaccine as the COVID-19 pandemic enters its 10th month.
“A vaccine is a major component of getting on the other side of this,” Artenstein added. “It’s not the only component, but it’s an important and necessary piece of shortening the duration of this pandemic and possibly preventing future waves.”

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