Page 9 - Healthcare News Nov_Dec, 2020
P. 9

 An Ongoing
Scourge Gabriel Quaglia says many people who struggle
While Less Talked- about These Days, Opioid Addiction Remains Worrisome
By Mark Morris
with opioid addiction face a surprising hurdle: they don’t own a telephone.
“One of the important services we provide at Tapestry is allowing people to use our phones so they can access other services they may need,” said Quaglia, post-
overdose engagement coordinator for Tapestry Health, who works with clients in opioid-use recovery.
While Quaglia is grateful to be able to schedule face-to-face meetings, they have taken on a different dynamic.
“Now, it’s a stand-up meeting, six feet apart, usually separated by a table in the room,” he said. “We help people out as much as we can, but it’s not a setting that allows us to get into deeper conversations.”
Those conversations, however, are more needed than ever. While the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated every other health- related news story of the past 10 months, one of Massachusetts’ most pressing issues — opioid addiction — hasn’t faded away.
 Gabriel Quaglia says the state has been quick to respond to the increase
in overdoses this year by delivering naloxone kits and other supplies.

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