HCN News & Notes

MMS Adopts New Principles for Health-information Technology

WALTHAM — To keep pace with the evolution of health-information technology (HIT) and physicians’ accompanying concerns, the Mass. Medical Society (MMS) adopted new HIT principles at the MMS annual meeting earlier this month.

The new principles were proposed by the MMS committee on information technology to address challenges that accompany the benefits of HIT — interoperability, clinical workflow efficiency, and new requirements for reporting patient data.

“Guided by these principles, MMS will continue to work on health-information-technology issues and how these tools can improve the practice of medicine — and that means first and foremost a focus on patient care,” said MMS President Dr. James Gessner. “HIT does indeed hold promise, but its priority should not be on data collection, but on how it can raise the level of patient care — a goal shared by each of us as physicians.”

Read more about the specific principles here.

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