2020 Readership Study

Healthcare News 2020 Readership Study

We’ve been the voice of the local healthcare community for 20 years – locally owned, telling local stories and bringing you healthcare information that you want to read.

This Readership Study isn’t short, but it is important, and we need your help to make sure that we provide you with the type of editorial and information that is most useful to you.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey – your opinions are important to us. The survey is open until Oct. 1, 2020

Healthcare News Readership Study 2020

  • How do you rate Healthcare News on each of the following attributes? 5 being excellent, 1 being poor.

  • How frequently do you read each of the columns, features, sections and special issues that appear in Healthcare News? Check one box for each item.

  • Which of the following publications do you subscribe to (or read regularly)? Check all that apply

  • Have you seen results from your advertising in these areas?