Baystate Noble Hospital Raises Funds with Giving Tree
WESTFIELD — Ornaments for the Baystate Noble Hospital Giving Tree can be purchased for anniversaries, retirements, births, marriages, and memorials. Funds raised from these purchases will help enhance and expand patient services and programs.
The Giving Tree is located in the main lobby of the hospital. With its cast-bronze trunk and leaves made of copper, silver, and gold, each personalized plaque designates those who have given generously to the Giving Tree campaign. Acorns, stones, branches, and black squirrels offer opportunities to recognize additional levels of support.
Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations can have their name and/or special message engraved on a plaque by making a gift to the campaign. Gifts may also be made in honor of, or in memory of, a family member, friend, loved one, corporation, or organization. Each plaque allows for up to 60 characters (including punctuation and spaces), using up to three lines.
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