Baystate Wins Quality Award
WARE — Baystate Mary Lane Hospital has received the American Heart Assoc./American Stroke Assoc. Get with the Guidelines – Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes Baystate Mary Lane Hospital’s commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke care by ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally accepted standards and recommendations.
“We are extraordinarily proud of this award,” said Lisa Beaudry, MPH, BSN, CNM, director of Patient Care Services for Baystate Mary Lane, who attributed the honor to the collaborative efforts of the stroke team.
“This team works together to ensure that we provide exceptional care to all of our patients, and includes our physicians and nurses in the Emergency Department, the Tele-Neurology group at Baystate Medical Center, our colleagues in Radiology, the Lab, Physical Therapy, our dietitian, and nurses on the patient care units and in Quality and Education. Each team member has contributed in significant ways to this result.”
On average in the U.S., someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds, someone dies of a stroke every four minutes, and 795,000 people suffer a new or recurrent stroke each year.