HCN News & Notes

CAN-DO Celebrates First Anniversary Advocating for Children with Disabilities

EASTHAMPTON — CAN-DO (Caregiver Advisory Network for Disability Opportunities) is proud to mark its one-year anniversary of service to the Easthampton community. Founded to advocate for children with disabilities and their families in line with federal and state special-education laws, CAN-DO has achieved significant progress under the leadership of Kelly Brown, Sam Hunter, and Pilar Goldstein-Dea.

Over the past year, CAN-DO has hosted essential workshops on new IEPs, family rights within the special-education system, and executive functioning training in collaboration with statewide parent-advisory councils. These initiatives have empowered families with vital information and community connections. Looking ahead, CAN-DO plans to expand its support offerings, including meetings, coffee hours, and playdates to strengthen family bonds.

“We are thrilled to celebrate our first anniversary and reflect on the positive impact CAN-DO has had,” said Brown, co-chair. “We look forward to continuing our mission and advocating for the inclusion and support of all children with disabilities in Easthampton.”

The CAN-DO board extends gratitude to the Easthampton School Department, the community, and especially Todd Snider, who recently stepped down as secretary, and whose contributions will be missed.

CAN-DO invites anyone with ties to the special-education system in Easthampton to join its community. It also seeks board members for the roles of secretary, treasurer, and program coordinator. Interested individuals can email can-do@epsd.us. For more information about CAN-DO and its events, visit epsdcando.org. Caregivers are encouraged to reach out with any questions or concerns.