Elected Officials Join AMR, Community EMS in Celebrating 20 New EMTs
SPRINGFIELD — On Dec. 4, Springfield Mayor Domenic Sarno; City Councilors Maria Perez, Lavar Click-Bruce, and Kateri Walsh; Police Captain Edward Geier; and other local elected officials joined American Medical Response (AMR) and Community EMS of Worcester and Milford to celebrate the latest class of Earn While You Learn (EWYL) EMTs with a joint graduation ceremony. The event honored 20 graduates who completed the nationally recognized EWYL program, with 12 joining AMR Springfield and eight joining Community EMS.
The innovative EWYL program allows trainees to be full-time employees while taking the necessary certification courses to become emergency medical technicians (EMTs), ensuring that a candidate is financially stable while training. EMTs who graduate from the program receive a commensurate pay increase and become full-time EMTs with AMR or Community EMS.
“This joint graduation between AMR Springfield and Community EMS in Worcester highlights the important collaboration between EMS families and the shared passion of providing effective care across the state,” said Patrick Leonardo, AMR regional director. “These 20 graduates have spent countless hours over the last 10 weeks studying and practicing emergency skills in preparation to serve their communities in their moments of need.”
Since its inception, more than 2,480 individuals have completed the Earn While You Learn Program. The program has made a career in emergency medical services more accessible by paying students to attend the program, ensuring that a candidate is financially stable while training. This year’s class reflects the program’s commitment to diversity, with women making up half of the students and 45% identifying as minorities.
Earn While You Learn received a national honor from the American Ambulance Assoc. in the Best Employee Programs category. Similar programs have been launched nationwide as an innovative solution to the burgeoning first-responder crisis.
Anyone interested in learning more about a career with AMR or an upcoming Earn While you Learn Academy should visit www.amr.net/careers.