Page 12 - Healthcare News Nov/Dec 2021
P. 12

Continued from page 10
“When setting up the calendar, we make sure to
limited to schedules on a calen-
 people in wheelchairs or those who need help in
some other way,” she told HCN. “For the person who
functions on a higher level, it gives them a sense of
pu“rpose.” Physical and social activities are certainly not
include plenty of wellness activities, whether they are emotional, physical, social, reminiscing, basically anything that helps memory or keeps people physi- cally active,” Todd said. They also insert fun social activities such as a happy hour with an entertainer. “We strive for feel-good activities as well as ones that promote healing.”
  dar. Cornwell discussed how the When setting up the calendar, actions of a resident leaving their
we make sure to include plenty of
apartment, walking down the hall,
perhaps taking an elevator, and wellness activities, whether they then walking to the dining area all
are emotional, physical, social, reminiscing, basically anything that helps memory or keeps people
physically active.”
Much More Than Bingo
In the past, senior-living activities usually concen- trated on gathering for bingo. While bingo remains popular, Todd said many group activities now aim to incorporate exercise so they can combine something fun with meeting a patient’s rehab needs at the same
contribute to physical activity. Once they arrive, they sit with a friend or neighbor and then engage in con- versation, which adds to their social experience.
“This is where senior living provides much more physical movement than if the person was at
home,” she added, “where a caregiver brings them a meal and they might not leave their chair all day.”
Activities involving music are popular in every senior-living setting. While singers are not yet allowed in most places due to COVID-19 concerns, Cornwell
Please see Active, page 62
Residents at Kimball Farms engage in tai chi.
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Compassionate Care for All
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 nd1o2ur upcoming fundraisers, grief groups WWW.HEALTHCARENEWS.COM NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 Amherst, Mass
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