Page 17 - Healthcare News SepOct 2021
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The LaMere Simulation Suite consists
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n Suite supports healthcare programs of clinical simulation. The suite provides , hands-on clinical learning experiences
hnology, medical equipment, and human rs. The simulation experience promotes
ncy for students and enhances their ability ecisions. With the ability to record and
t rooms, hallways, and the medication sta- s are able to interact during a simulation.
o have secure online access to their record- eir skills. The staff working in the Simulation dents in realistic clinical scenarios by allow- tice technical skills with real equipment and man patient simulator.
ulation Suite consists of four private acute patient rooms with working wall suction,
d oxygen, and air and bedside patient
ea is home to four Gaumard high-fidelity ulators that respond physiologically to the nterventions.
ulation Suite consists of two semi-pri-
s. One room is an obstetric and newborn
s a Gaumard high-fidelity newborn infant aumard full body, high-fidelity birthing
cond room is a pediatric room for two delity five-year-old child simulators, as well
human patient simulators. The simula their ability to make critical decisions. medication station, the students are a access to their recordings to review th istic clinical scenarios by allowing the patient simulator.
suction, working simulated oxygen, an high-fidelity adult patient simulators t
The Moriarty Simulation Suite consist
simulator. The second room is a pedia well as another newborn infant simula
m that
es a Gaumard high-fid
The Simulation Suite also has a fully f ities. In addition, the Simulation Suite tion on an electronic medical record s
orn infant simulator.
as al record system.
uite also has a fully functioning medication similar to those in many local facilities. In
Radiologic Technology
ulation Suite h
perform bedside documentation on an
Medical Assisting
Medical Billing & Coding Veterinary & Animal Science Foundation of Health
Learn from the best at
C’s Simulation Suite supports healthcare programs through the use of clinical simulation ite provides realistic, risk-free, hands-on clinical learning experiences using current techn
dical equipment, and human patient simulators. The simulation experience promotes gre mpetency for students and enhances their ability to make critical decisions. With the abilit ord and stream all patient rooms, hallways, and the medication station, the students are interact during a simulation. The students also have secure online access to their recordin review their skills. The staff working in the Simulation Suite engage students in realistic cli enarios by allowing them to practice technical skills with real equipment and supplies on a
tient simulator.
e LaMere Simulation Suite consists of four private acute medical surgical patient rooms w rking wall suction, working simulated oxygen, and air and bedside patient monitors. This
home to four Gaumard high-fidelity adult patient simulators that respond physiologically t dent nurse’s interventions.
e Moriarty Simulation Suite consists of two semi-private patient rooms. One room is an o
The Simulation Suite also has a fully functioning medication dispense system similar to thos
“This gift will support multiple areas of our mission that align so well with Elaine Marieb’s legacy,” she went on. “It will certainly allow us to move forward in those areas in a more rapid fashion than we could without it.
These areas include the university’s Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation, said Vorderstrasse, adding that the gift will also impact how the school delivers its curriculum and programs, enable enhanced use of simulation, and, perhaps most importantly, put more nurses in the pipeline at a time when they are desperately needed.
“There is a demand for nurses, obviously, and for us to be able to provide
HCC’s Simulation Suite supports healthcare p realistic, risk-free, hands-on clinical learning e tion exp With th
ble to in
eir skills m to pra
of four d air an hat resp
s of two elity new tric roo
enthusiasm that they had for what we do.”
For this issue, HCN talked at length with Vorderstrasse
here in Western Massachusetts, where we’ve seen an even more dramatic nursing shortage, is an important part of our mission.”
When asked about the gift, how it came about, and what it means for the university and its Nursing program, Vorderstrasse started by talking about the message it sends and the trust it implies, something that’s very
has mo ystem.
important to her.
“What was really exciting to me was the enthusiasm at the
and the faith and the trust that they had in us as an institu-
foundation about honoring Elaine Marieb’s legacy in this way,
realistic, risk-free tion and a college to really make this gift transformuastiinvge,c”urrent tec
she explained. “They truly felt that the work we were doing
was innovative, exciting, and, in many ways, unique, and this
meant it was a good fit with her legacy and that they would see
the impact of that gift. It was very exciting to hear thioend, ethgeresetoufdent
to honor that trust and put this gift to work in ways that have far-reaching
Suite engage stu about the many ways her program, and the universiintgy,tihnetemndto prac
Paying It Forward
The LaMere Sim medical surgical working simulate monitors. This ar
The gift from the Marieb Foundation, announced on Sept. 16, is only the
adult patient sim latest significant donation to come to UMass in recent monthss. tudent nurse’s i
It comes after a $50 million gift from Rob and Donna Manning aimed at
Gaumard high-fi “What was really exciting to me was the simulator. The se as another newb
increasing access and opportunity across the five-campus university system
Elaine Marieb’s legacy in this way, and the
electronic medic
faith and the trust that they had in us as an
institution and a college to really make this
gift transformative. They truly felt that the work we were doing was innovative, exciting, and, in many ways, unique, and this meant it was a good fit with her legacy and that they would see the impact of that gift. It was very exciting to hear the degree of enthusiasm that they had for what we do.”
HC.The suology, me ater co y to
HCC’s Simulatio
through the use
patient simulato
greater compete
to make critical d
stream all patien
The students als ings to review th
supplies on a hu
The Moriarty Sim
vate patient room room that house simulator and a G
enthusiasm at the foundation about honoring
The Simulation S dispense system
addition, the Sim allow students to
(seestoryonpage28),anda$170milliongiftfromtheMorningsiderec able FoundationtoUMassMedicalSchool,furtherpositioningtheuniversityastogs
tonical human
Thith wo area
Together, these donations provide growing evidence that the system
and its individual programs are growing in stature and reputation and are
“well-positioned to advance education, research, and access for students
at scale in the Commonwealth,” said UMass President Marty Meehan in a is o the
Please see Gift, page 34
Thbstetric and newborn room that houses a Gaumard high-fidelity newborn infant simulator and a Gaumard full body, high-fidelity birthing simulator. The second room is a pediatric room for two Gaumard high-fidelity five-year-old child simulators, as well as another newborn infant simulator.
e in many local facilities. In addition, the Simulation Suite has mobile computers that allow students to
perform bedside documentation on an electronic medical record system.