Legacy Gift Creates Endowed Chair for Cancer Care at Baystate Health
SPRINGFIELD — The generosity and forward thinking of Diane Gallan, who passed away last spring at age 86, has led to the creation of the Gordon J. Gallan, Dorothy E. Gallan, and Bruce F. Gallan Endowed Chair – Regional Cancer Program at Baystate Health, established in memory of her father, mother, and brother, respectively. This honor will be held by Dr. Rawad Elias, current chief of the Division of Hematology/Oncology.
“This gift allows us to go above and beyond for cancer care, advancing our work, creating interdisciplinary connections across the health system, staying aligned with the rapid expansion of knowledge within the field, and providing us the ability to treat patients with the highest quality of care,” Elias said. “I am grateful to Ms. Gallan for her generosity and her dedication to local healthcare.”
This gift will support the chair of Cancer Care position in perpetuity, allowing the chair holder to utilize the funds to further cancer research at Baystate Health to bring the best in treatment, diagnosis, and care to patients. Each year, the chair will be able to target funding toward areas of growth and opportunity within the cancer-research landscape, supporting innovation and new cancer-care treatments across Baystate’s clinically driven and physician led healthcare system in Western Mass.
The gift is made in recognition of the contributions and service of Dr. Wilson Mertens, former vice president and medical director of the Baystate Regional Cancer Program; Dr. Julio Martinez-Silvestrini, physiatrist with Baystate Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; and Dr. Richard Steingart, medical director of Adult Hematology at the D’Amour Center for Cancer Care.
“Ms. Gallan’s gift is an example of how the support of our donors makes a tangible impact at Baystate Health, truly benefiting patient care and the experience of those we serve,” said Dr. Andrew Artenstein, chief physician executive at Baystate Health. “Gifts to create endowed chairs help to recognize the remarkable work happening at Baystate Health and allow us to recruit and retain the best physicians and leaders to serve our community.”
Gallan lived quietly and with purpose, giving her time and treasure as a volunteer and as a donor. For a quarter-century, her father, Gordon Gallan, was president of G. & C. Merriam Co., known today as Merriam-Webster Inc., located in Springfield. This community meant so much to the Gallans that establishing this endowment was a meaningful tribute to her family and moment of celebration in her life.
“It was such an honor to work with Ms. Gallan to make this gift a reality,” said Mark Teed, principal of Teed Capital Management of Raymond James and former chair of the Baystate Health Foundation board of trustees. “Ms. Gallan dreamed about naming this chair for years and was pleased to know that, by including a gift in her estate plans, she could make her dream a reality. I am honored to help celebrate her legacy.”