HCN News & Notes

Local Artist, Cindy Kornet Installs Inspiration Art Work at Leavitt Family Jewish Home

LONGMEADOW — When COVID-19 hit and turned our world upside-down, each of us had to adjust our daily lives to a new reality filled with the unknown.  For many it was a year of uncertainty, social distancing and isolation. For Cindy Kornet, it was a year of immense introspection and creativity.

Kornet, author of Art and Soul: A Spiritual Approach to Crafts, is a local multi-media artist whose work explores Jewish values and biblical history, spirituality and inspiration themes.  Mixing abstract painting, encaustics (painting with wax and carving into it), collage, and uneven perspectives with realism, she creates art that she describes as “spiritual, uplifting, and hopeful.” There is a healing quality to each piece.  Her works incorporate written words that provoke thought and inspiration. 

During the COVID lockdown Kornet committed herself to creating one new piece of art each day and over the year amassed a beautiful and varied collection of inspirational images. This month, she is installing representational pieces of her art in a new gallery located in the connector building that bridges The Leavitt Family Jewish Home with the Sosin Center for Rehabilitation, through Michael’s Café. 

It is fitting that her art is the first installation in this new gallery. Cindy, Lou and Nathaniel Kornet donated the gallery system that has converted the long and brightly lit connector building into a gallery, dedicated in loving memory of her beloved parents, Phyllis (Barr) and Arthur Lutz.

When asked what motivated her to embark on her daily ritual of creating the beautiful images, Cindy commented, “my mother was and loved all things beautiful. My father loved my mother and anything she loved. They both loved our family dearly. It really is that simple. I hope this exhibit will be the first of many in the JGS Gallery, that still has an opportunity to be named.  If one really looks, one can see the beauty in everything.”

Kornet has named the exhibit, ‘Repair the World.’ “Tikkun Olam is one of our reasons for being here in this world,” she said. “We have an opportunity to do the mitzvahs or good deeds daily. This has been a difficult time for all. There was much loss and suffering and that cannot be overlooked. Being home more has also offered its own silver linings. Hopefully, we all are able to search within, evaluate, make healthful decisions, and will emerge better versions of ourselves.” 

“Cindy’s work is spiritually elevating, the jewel tones are soothing and create a sense of warmth and calm,” said Susan Kimball Halpern, director of development and communication at JGS LIfecare. “I am excited about this show and having Cindy’s loving and warm energy in our Home for our residents, staff and visitors to enjoy. This installation is also a sign that we are hopefully turning the corner on COVID and planning for a return to social activities. As more people are vaccinated and restrictions on family visitations and social gathering lift, we look forward to scheduling a gallery opening for the community —  hopefully this summer. In the meantime, we look forward to scheduling artist talks with our residents and staff, to explore the symbolism and meaning one can take away from ‘Repair the World.’