HCN News & Notes

MACRMI to Present Communication, Apology, and Resolution Forum

WALTHAM — The sixth annual Communication, Apology, and Resolution Forum hosted by the Massachusetts Alliance for Communication and Resolution following Medical Injury (MACRMI) will take place on Tuesday, May 15 at the Massachusetts Medical Society, 860 Winter St., Waltham. Registration begins in March.

This year, MACRMI members will model the delivery of the Communication, Apology, and Resolution (CARe) framework as they present a simulation of the CARe process after an adverse event, along with implementation background and guidance. Attendees are encouraged to participate in moderated discussion panels following each part of the simulation.

Rick Boothman, chief risk officer at the University of Michigan Health System, will also give a reflection on his experience, the latest advances, and expectations for the future. Lunch will be served while MACRMI shares the latest published data on CARe programs in Massachusetts. MACRMI members will remain available for continued discussions to provide more information about MACRMI and CARe implementation.