
Nominate a Healthcare Hero – Program Recognizes Excellence, Innovation, Service to Region

The time for talk is over; the time for action is now.
That’s action in the form of nominations for Healthcare Heroes, an exciting recognition program involving the Western Mass. healthcare sector, launched this spring by HCN and BusinessWest.
Presented by American International College with supporting sponsors Bay Path University, Elms College, and Renew.Calm, with additional sponsorships available, the program was created to shed a bright light on the outstanding work being done across the broad spectrum of health and wellness services, and the institutions and individuals providing that care, said Kate Campiti, associate publisher of BusinessWest and HCN.
Nominations are now being sought — and they will be accepted until June 29 — in the following categories:
• Patient/Resident/Client Care Provider;
• Innovation in Health/Wellness;
• Community Health;
• Emerging Leader;
• Collaboration in Health/Wellness;
• Health/Wellness Administration/Administrator; and
• Lifetime Achievement
The nominations will be scored by a panel of judges to be announced in the coming weeks. The winners will be chosen in July and will be profiled in the September issue of HCN.
What follows are the guidelines to consider when nominating individuals, groups, or institutions for these various categories. All this information and applications will be available at both healthcarenews.com and buinesswest.com/healthcare-heroes.
As you consider the award categories, please keep in mind the following guidelines in preparing your nomination.
• Criteria: The criteria for the award and how the nominee fits the criteria for the chosen category;
• Accomplishments: What are the nominee’s specific accomplishments, and how were they achieved;
• Impact: What measurable impact the nominee has had on the population served in the health and wellness community;
• Uniqueness: Is there anything else that makes the nominee exceptional or unique? Provide any other information that will aid in the judges’ consideration of the nomination; and
• Eligibilty: Nominees must work in either Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, or Berkshire county, and organization nominees (which may be for-profit or not-for-profit) must have offices in Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, or Berkshire county; nominations may be self-nominated or nominated by another person; and nominees cannot be a member of the judges’ panel or a member of a judge’s immediate family.
Award Category Descriptions
n Patient/Resident/Client Care Provider
Who is eligible: A company or organization that has shown leadership and excellent service over a sustained period of time by providing quality care, and is considered exemplary by patients and peers.
Judging criteria: The judges will be looking for evidence of high-quality care and continuous improvement. Successful submissions should also demonstrate an area of going above and beyond in terms of training, new programs, and staff/service user engagement.
n Innovation in Health/Wellness
Who is eligible: A company, organization, individual, or group of individuals responsible for development of a new procedure, treatment, program or service that can save lives or improve quality of life. The award may be given for either new innovations or for the refining of existing procedures, treatments, programs or services.
Judging criteria: The innovation should be expansive in scope so that it now, or could in the future, affect many people’s lives. The application should provide information on the size of the target population and the potential dollar value of the market.
n Community Health
Who is eligible: Company, organization, individual, or group of individuals responsible for promoting healthy living, bringing attention to a health/wellness issue, or solving a problem through community outreach.
Judging criteria: Impact on the community, fulfilling a need otherwise not met in the community. Examples, but are not limited to: Community education efforts, donation of facility resources for community use, outreach to at-risk youth, volunteer service projects, events and activities designed to address local community needs.
n Emerging Leader
Who is eligible: Individual, early in their career, who is making a significant impact in the health/wellness industry, exemplifying true leadership, and acting as a role model for others.
Judging criteria: The judges will be looking for an individual who is rising through the ranks and establishing themselves as future leaders in the health/wellness industry. The winner of this award will be someone who outshines their peers in many ways and helps their organization surpass the competition.
n Collaboration in Health/Wellness
Who is eligible: Two or more entities that demonstrate creative and affective collaborations for the purpose of addressing significant health and wellness needs or common problems and standards in community.
Judging criteria: The judges will be looking for evidence of excellence in strategic collaborations promoting cooperation, sharing of resources and expertise, and mutual support with a focus on outcomes, value and initiatives.
n Health/Wellness Administration/Administrator
Who is eligible: Individual, or group of individuals, whose performance, care, and leadership are considered exemplary by patients and peers.
Judging Criteria: Increased efficiency in the delivery of services, increased employee morale, improved profitability.
n Lifetime Achievement
Who is eligible: Individual who has dedicated his or her career to improving the quality and delivery of healthcare in the Western Mass. community. This person should have at least 20 years in the health/wellness field.
Judging Criteria: A lifetime career in the health care field, making an impact through care, either by the number of people affected or the scope of his/her contributions, dedication to his or her field.
Nomination forms can be found at healthcarenews.com and businesswest.com/healthcare-heroes.

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