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Anger Management

At a recent continuing-education seminar at Wing Memorial Hospital, Peter Bishop, a clinical psychologist from the Griswold Behavioral Health Center at Wing, talks to area school nurses on “Handling Anger & Rage in a School Setting.” Attending were nurses from the communities of Belchertown, Brookfield, Hampden-Wilbraham, Ludlow, Monson, Northampton, Palmer, Springfield, and West Brookfield. Also in attendance were nurses from Pathfinder Regional Vocational High School and Tantasqua Regional High School.

Living the Dream

Helen Caulton-Harris, director of Health and Human Services for the city of Springfield, addresses attendees at Baystate Health’s recent celebration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Baystate Medical Center. The event featured a film commemorating King’s life and work, a lyrical dance performance, traditional African-influenced music, and a soul food buffet. (Photo by Chris Szarek)

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