Ladder Climbers
Jewish Geriatric Services Inc. (JGS) recently recognized seven certified nursing assistants who represent the 2007/2008 class of the Rona and Mike Chase Clinical Ladder Program. The graduates successfully participated in a rigorous 40-classroom-hour training program. From left are: Debra Campbell, Kimberly Beal, Hyacinth Cobham, Kadian White, Johnetta Bonilla, Alan Rosenfeld, JGS President/CEO, Laurie Alves, assistant director of Nursing, Rona Chase, program benefactor, Barbara Macdonald, director of Professional Practice, and Shakina M. Gladden.

Blanket Coverage
At right and below, students from Fairview Veterans Middle School in Chicopee help make blankets for Project Linus, to benefit Shriners Hospital for Children in Springfield. Project Linus is a non-profit organization that provides blankets — and therefore a sense of security and comfort — to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Through the work of the students at Fairview Middle, every child at Shriner’s has a homemade quilt on their bed. For more information on Project Linus, visit

First Things First
The new addition to Wing Memorial Hospital, named the Country Bank Pavilion, recently opened to patients. After two years in construction, the $26 million addition replaces Wing’s current operating rooms, intensive care unit, ambulatory surgery unit, and inpatient rooms as Wing grows to accommodate the needs of the community. The Country Bank Pavilion increases the number of beds at Wing from 52 to 60, adds a new entry and registration area, adds private inpatient and intensive care unit rooms, and allows for expansion of other patient care areas and services. At right, surgeon Steven Steiner, MD talked with Amanda Desroches of Palmer prior to the first surgery performed in the new operating suite of the Country Bank Pavilion. Below, James Schwartz, a member of the hospital’s Admitting department, makes a purchase in the new gift shop, which is operated by the Wing Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Assisting with the purchase are two members of the auxiliary, Dottie Sikorski (left) and Trudy Mercier.

Center of Attention
Nursing Educational Specialist Cinnamon Desgres RN explains the functions of BabySim, a pediatric patient simulator, to guests at the grand opening of Baystate Medical Center’s Simulation Center and Goldberg Surgical Skills Lab (one of only 27 accredited simulation centers in the world) on July 22.

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