HCN News & Notes

Tickets Available for Healthcare Heroes Gala on Oct. 17

SPRINGFIELDBusinessWest and the Healthcare News will celebrate this year’s eight Healthcare Heroes on Thursday, Oct. 17 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Log Cabin in Holyoke.

The class of 2024, profiled in the Sep. 16 issue and at businesswest.com, includes Dr. Andrew Balder, attending physician, Baystate Mason Square Neighborhood Health Center; Lucinda Canty, associate professor of Nursing and director of the Seedworks Health Equity Program, UMass Amherst; Bernice Drumheller, past president, NAMI Western Massachusetts; Peta-Gaye Johnson, director of Healthcare Workforce Initiatives, MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board; Margaret King, occupational therapist, Baystate Medical Center; Alexa Mignano, director of School-Based Clinical Services, River Valley Counseling Center; Dr. Laki Rousou, chief of Thoracic Surgery, chief of Robotic Surgery, and medical director of the Lung Cancer Screening Program, Mercy Medical Center; and Janet Williams, professor of Biology, Elms College.

Tickets cost $95, and tables of 10 are available. To purchase tickets, visit businesswest.com/healthcare-heroes-tickets. Presenting sponsors include Baystate Health/Health New England and Elms College. Partner sponsors include Trinity Health Of New England/Mercy Medical Center and Holyoke Medical Center.