VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare Hosts 3rd Annual Mental Health Summit
WORCESTER — VA Central Western Massachusetts Healthcare System will stage the 2015 Mental Health Summit on August 26, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the University of Massachusetts Medical School Faculty Conference Room in Worcester. There will be a small fee for parking (less than $10).
The purpose of the summit is to enhance the mental health and well-being of veterans and their family members through increased collaboration between the VA and our local mental health community. The goal is to engage in active dialogue on how we as a community can address the mental healthcare needs of Veterans and their families.
The objectives and topics of discussion of the 2015 Mental Health Summit are:
• Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014;
• Military sexual trauma;
• Post deployment services — military culture;
• Opioid safety;
• Housing and homelessness;
• VA Eligibility; and
• Caregiver support and the needs of families and caregivers
Nearly 60 community mental health partners are planning to attend this year’s summit to engage in conversation and the sharing of ideas on how best to provide mental health resources to veterans.