HCN News & Notes

Webinar to Tackle Implications for Subsidized Health Insurance from Federal Policy Changes

BOSTON — On Thursday, March 20 from 10 to 11 a.m., Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation will present a webinar on the topic of potential threats to subsidized health-insurance coverage and financing in Massachusetts under the new federal administration.

The goals of the webinar are to provide a high-level overview of MassHealth, the Health Connector, and publicly subsidized health-insurance programs in Massachusetts; describe the changes in federal healthcare financing and policy related to subsidized coverage that are likely being considered by the new federal administration; and provide estimates, based on existing data, on the impact of these potential changes (in terms of dollars or lives) in Massachusetts.

The webinar will feature a presentation by representatives of Manatt Health, as well as time for audience Q&A. Click here to register.