2020 Healthcare Heroes Event
4th Annual Healthcare Heroes Event
Click here to view the Healthcare Heroes Virtual Celebration!
View the 2020 Healthcare Heroes Program Guide HERE

Since Healthcare News and its sister publication, BusinessWest, launched the new recognition program known as Healthcare Heroes in 2017, the initiative has more than succeeded in its quest to identify true leaders — not to mention inspiring stories — within this region’s large and very important healthcare sector.
The award was created to recognize those whose contributions to the health and well-being of this region, while known to some, needed to become known to all. And this is certainly true in this year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Several months ago, the decision makers at the two publications knew that, during this very difficult time, our healthcare community was challenged as perhaps never before, and had to summon its collective strength, imagination, and dedication to clear a seemingly endless list of hurdles and continue to provide needed services to the residents of this region.
We knew that a sector already heavily populated with heroes would have even more individuals worthy of that term. So we invited people to nominate these heroes for the award we created, and the judges tasked with scoring them were impressed and, in some ways, overwhelmed by the stories generated by these nominations.
Overall, everyone who was nominated this year is a hero, but in the minds of our judges, 10 of these stories stood out among the others. The Healthcare Heroes for 2020 are:
• The staff at Holyoke Medical Center
• Mark Keroack, president and CEO of Baystate Health
• Christopher Savino, Emeline Bean, and Lydia Brisson, Clinical Liaisons for Berkshire Healthcare Systems
• The Institute for Applied Life Sciences at UMass Amherst
• Maggie Eboso, Infection Control and Prevention Coordinator at Mercy Medical Center
Presenting Sponsors