HCN News & Notes

Chicopee Flag-raising Ceremony to Raise Awareness of Hydrocephalus

CHICOPEE — On Thursday, Sept. 14 at 11 a.m., Chicopee City Hall’s Flag Plaza will host a flag-raising ceremony to increase public awareness about hydrocephalus, a chronic neurological condition affecting over 1 million people in the U.S.

Hydrocephalus is caused by an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the cavities of the brain, leading to increased pressure on the brain. This condition can arise due to genetic and environmental factors, head injuries, brain infections, tumors, and more. In the U.S., one in every 770 babies develops hydrocephalus each year, and a substantial number of adults age 60 or over might be living with a form of the condition known as normal pressure hydrocephalus.

While there is no known cure or prevention for hydrocephalus, early detection and intervention can manage the condition. Presently, brain surgery is the primary form of treatment, with options including shunting, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), and ETV with choroid plexus cauterization.

The Pediatric Hydrocephalus Foundation remains dedicated to supporting, educating, and empowering individuals with hydrocephalus and their families. The flag-raising ceremony is intended to educate the public, increase awareness, and drive support for more research and advancements in treatment.