HCN News & Notes

Dulye Workshop Aims to Help Attendees Improve Mental Fitness

PITTSFIELD — Attendees will learn how to uncover their own stress patterns and break free from their debilitating hold at a Dulye Leadership Experience (DLE) wellness workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 11 called “Transforming Stress: An Interactive Workshop for Improving Your Well-being and Mental Fitness,” with stress expert Julie Haagenson.

She will introduce the concept of automatic stress responses and how they can hinder one’s decision-making, communication, and overall effectiveness as a leader. Attendees of this one-hour, virtual program, beginning at 5:15 p.m., will explore the science of stress and well-being; identify their automatic responses to stress and how they hold them back; hack the stress cycle with concrete, research-based tools and strategies; and learn the five-step pathway to boosting mental fitness.

Haagenson has more than two decades of experience as a counselor, facilitator, educator, consultant, and coach. As the founder of New Pathways Coaching & Consulting, she has gained an enthusiastic following by empowering leaders at all levels with tools and strategies to increase well-being and improve performance.

This moderated, interactive program features an engaging coaching session, followed by a live question-and-answer exchange. To promote an intimate and interactive learning experience, only 45 spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no fee to attend thanks to the sustained underwriting of Dulye & Co. consulting firm.

Advance registration is required. Click here to reserve a virtual seat.