HCN News & Notes

Lunch & Learn Event to Discuss Benefits of Doll Therapy for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients

LONGMEADOW — At the next Lunch & Learn event at Ruth’s House Assisted Living Residence on Wednesday, Nov. 16, Jaime Beebe, founder of Reborns with Reasons Therapy Dolls, will share personal stories and experiences in the field, along with showcasing some of her therapy dolls and allowing attendees to experience the magic of doll therapy.

Humans, regardless of age, require activity and play. It is crucial for the elderly and those suffering from Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia to be involved in life and feel needed and engaged, in whatever capacity. Dolls possess the unique ability to brighten someone’s day simply by holding them.

This is a hybrid event, welcoming on-site participation as well as a virtual component for those who are unable to visit the campus. It begins at noon with a welcome and networking, followed by the program from 12:15 to 1:15, and a Q&A session, raffle, and tour. RSVP to Mary-Anne Schelb at (413) 935-1791 or mschelb@jgslifecare.org. For Zoom participants, a confirmation plus Zoom invite will be emailed prior to the meeting.