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Working for Change
The American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter recently announced several donations to support relief efforts in Haiti following the Jan. 12 earthquake. Bottom left: employees of the Springfield office of the Department of Workforce Development volunteered their time to host a ‘goodie sale’ in the workplace, raising $730 in one week. Here, DWD employees Marion Smreck (left) and Linda Luckey (right) present the donation to Paige Thayer, deputy director of Chapter Support for the American Red Cross Pioneer Valley Chapter. Bottom right: fourth-grade students at Robinson Park Elementary School in Agawam organized a weeklong coin drive that raised $723.51. Top: The people of Haiti also got support from students and staff at Sgt. R. Litwin Elementary School in Chicopee, who organized a schoolwide fund drive that netted $1,324.74. “It’s wonderful to see students getting involved,” said Thayer. “The people of Haiti need support now more than ever.”

Safety First
Jewish Geriatric Services (JGS) was recently recognized with the 2009 Leadership in Safety Award by CNA HealthPro, a leading health care insurer. The award honors an organization with a commitment to patient/resident safety and a leadership team that consistently demonstrates efforts to improve the quality and safety of care services. It was presented by Bruce Dmytrow, vice president of CNA Global Specialty Lines, to JGS leadership and senior staff. Representatives of FieldEddy Insurance, partners in this effort, also attended. Pictured are, from left, FieldEddy representatives Kevin Munsell, Teresa Petit de Mange, and Executive Vice President Timothy Marini; Alan Rosenfeld, JGS president and CEO; Linda Donoghue, JGS COO and CNO; Dmytrow; Martha Finkel-Ceppetelli, vice chairman of the JGS board of directors; Mary Ryan, CNA risk introduction consultant; and Michael Hurwitz, chairman of the JGS board of directors.
Purr-fect Addition
Julian J. Leavitt Family Jewish Nursing Home (JNH), a program of Jewish Geriatric Services, is pleased to introduce the two newest members to the team. Thelma and Louise, two young cats that were abandoned when their owners moved, were recently rescued from the Thomas J. O’Connor Animal Shelter and adopted by the nursing home. The JNH resident council decided to adopt after activities director Marlene Johnson brought three of her cats to visit, and they proved popular with residents, visitors, and staff. Though they live in the activity room, they can be spotted throughout the building’s neighborhoods. Here, Thelma and Louise are welcomed to their new home by, front row left to right, residents Helen Novak, Sarah Shnap, Jim Mober, and Atsuko Simonet, along with Johnson; and, back row left to right, activities assistants Ernie Newmann and Dianne Cusson.
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