HCN News & Notes

Smith Brothers Insurance Helps Local Children for 12th Straight Year

EASTHAMPTON — Smith Brothers Insurance sponsored 25 children in need this holiday season and raised $5,000 for the 2018 Holiday Bear Project. 

For 12 straight years, Smith Brothers’ team members donated money and time for this annual gift-giving program for needy public-school children. Team members individually sponsored a child, donated money, and coordinated company fundraising activities. Hundreds of gifts were purchased and wrapped for students ranging in age from 5 to 17.

More than 10,000 public-school students have benefited from the holiday program since the Holiday Bear Project began in 1998.

“All of us at Smith Brothers worked together as a group of passionate helpers to raise money, give of our time, have fun helping kids, and give back to our community. Helping others is our big purpose, throughout the year and especially during the holiday season,” said Joe Smith, president and CEO of Smith Brothers.

The Smith Brothers team also conducted a toy drive for Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and a food collection for a local food bank.

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