HCN News & Notes

Statewide Virtual Job Fair Slated for Aug. 16-20

SPRINGFIELD — The Springfield Regional Chamber has partnered with MassHire and the Baker-Polito administration on a statewide virtual job fair, the first of its kind. To date, nearly 3,000 job seekers from across the Commonwealth have registered to participate.

The event will be held Aug. 16-20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is no cost to participate, and the online platform will allow employers to connect with candidates on the spot.

“We are working with our partners across the state and convening the chambers in our region to ensure that this opportunity is available to every business seeking talent and every resident seeking a job,” said Nancy Creed, president of the Springfield Regional Chamber. “I encourage you to take advantage of this unique recruiting opportunity to find the talent you need.”

Employers and job seekers can register at www.mass.gov/massachusetts-virtual-job-fair. The fair will focus on all industries on Aug. 16 and 19; manufacturing, professional services, and finance on Aug. 17; healthcare, hospitality, and education on Aug. 18; and information technology, building services, and others on Aug. 20.