HCN News & Notes

Stressed About Thanksgiving? You’re Not Alone

COLUMBIA, Md. — The holiday season has been called the most joyful time of the year, but it can be a major stressor, too. According to a recent survey conducted by MedStar Health, 64% of people feel stressed about Thanksgiving.

The causes of stress include cooking (36%), preparations and cleaning (32%), spending time with family (23%), money concerns (21%), traveling (17%), and hosting friends and family (15%).

Thanksgiving is known to be the busiest travel time of year. This year, 15% of people plan to travel, with 11% of people traveling to visit family or friends and 4% of people taking a trip. Meanwhile, 9% will be eating their Thanksgiving feast at a restaurant this year instead of at someone’s home.

MedStar Health shared a few tips to help manage Thanksgiving stress:

• Incorporate stress-busting activities into your holiday plans. Exercise is a great way to get those endorphins flowing.

• Start your day with a healthy breakfast. Thanksgiving Day breakfast is underrated. While many Americans want to wait for their big meal, experts say a small meal in the morning provides a mood-boosting start to the day. Incorporating natural mood boosters like berries, bananas, and whole grains (like oatmeal) will get you off to the right start.

• Take a social-media break. Mental health matters, too. Keeping a close eye on how others are spending their holiday can be overwhelming, and you might miss out on your own festive experience. Unplugging during the holidays helps you unwind and reconnect with your loved ones.