HCN News & Notes

Baystate Wing Hospital Awards $45K in Grants to Support Local Community Partners

PALMER — Baystate Wing Hospital announced an investment of $45,000 in grants to benefit local, community-based, nonprofit organizations. Baystate Wing Hospital’s service area represents 15 communities comprising a population of approximately 120,000 people.

“We are happy to support these innovative, impactful, and sustainable programs to continue to address local needs in the region,” said Ron Bryant, president of Baystate Health Regional Community Hospitals. “Everyone is strengthened when we collectively work together to build and sustain a culture of health and wellness.”

Among the programs supported by the hospital’s grant investments:

• A $30,000 grant to the Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation will provide continued support to the Quaboag Connector Transportation initiative in partnership with the town of Ware, which addresses the lack of transportation to employment, education, healthcare, workforce training, shopping, and benefit services within and outside the region.

• A $7,000 grant to Growing a New Heart will support outreach activities to increase awareness and usage of the A Call for Change Helpline, which receives hundreds of calls annually from people who want to become and remain safe in their relationships.

• A $4,500 grant will support the work of the Ware River Domestic Violence Task Force to strengthen and build on current education and engagement initiatives of the Domestic Violence Task Force.

• A $3,500 grant to the West Brookfield Fire Department will allow it to purchase an automatic external defibrillator.