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Need a Lift?
Baystate Wing Hospital and Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp. recently announced the funding of a new Quaboag Connector van dedicated to providing transportation to convenient-care and primary-care services for area residents. The curb-to-curb service will provide non-emergency medical transportation, allowing patients to request rides to and from medical appointments at Baystate Wing Hospital facilities. Pictured, from left: Jan Mayforth, chief financial officer, Baystate Wing Hospita; Molly Gray, president and chief administrative officer, Baystate Wing Hospital; Stuart Beckley, Ware town manager; and Melissa Fales, Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp.

Fore the Kids
Professional Drywall Construction Inc. (PDC), a commercial drywall company headquartered in Springfield, raised $45,500 for Baystate Children’s Hospital at its sixth annual PDC Charity Golf Tournament on Sept. 8 at Southampton Country Club. The tournament featured an 18-hole round of golf, lunch, and a dinner reception. A total of 108 golfers participated in the tournament, and nearly 40 sponsors helped PDC surpass its fundraising goals. Pictured: PDC Owners Nick Shaink and Ron Perry with representatives from Baystate Children’s Hospital. (Photo by Market Mentors)

Supporting Healthy Kids
For the second consecutive year, the Enterprise Holdings Foundation has awarded funding to support Square One’s Campaign for Healthy Kids. This year’s gift totaled more than $14,000. Last summer, Enterprise Holdings launched its inaugural local ROAD Forward grants to nearly 700 nonprofits, addressing social and racial equity gaps facing youth and families in local communities. Pictured: Shawn Fleming, group Human Resources manager at Enterprise Holdings, presents the check to Square One President and CEO Dawn DiStefano (left) and Kristine Allard, vice president of Development & Communication.