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Community Investment
Country Bank recently presented the YMCA of Greater Springfield with a donation of $25,000 to help support the opening of the new YMCA at Tower Square. “The YMCA of Greater Springfield appreciates Country Bank’s generosity and willingness to partner with us and serve the Greater Springfield community,” said Dexter Johnson, president and CEO of the YMCA. “We look forward to the opening of the new YMCA at Tower Square and the Country Bank Group Exercise Room.”

Carrot Inspirations
Northampton Survival Center recently celebrated its 40th anniversary with “40 Ways to Cook a Carrot,” a community event in which participating restaurants introduced a food or drink item that embraces the carrot as a featured ingredient.
Photos by @ParkerBurnsProductions.

Pathways to Success
Melissa Morriss-Olson (left), Bay Path University provost, and John Cook, president of Springfield Technical Community College, recently signed two transfer agreements creating an affordable pathway for female students with an associate degree from STCC to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Bay Path. Under one articulation agreement, students who receive an associate degree in liberal arts/general studies (applied psychology option) can pursue a bachelor of arts in psychology from Bay Path. Under the second agreement, students who receive an associate degree in liberal arts transfer (human services/social work option) can pursue a bachelor of arts in psychology.

Senior Citizens Day
Blueberry buckle took center stage at JGS Lifecare on Aug. 21, when residents, staff, volunteers, and family members gathered to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day. The celebration started in the morning with residents gathering in the activities room at the Leavitt Family Jewish Home to prepare and bake blueberry buckle. In the afternoon, residents and family members gathered in the Gloth Family Auditorium to enjoy the sweet dessert.